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    Brett Spiering

    Brett Spiering



    Speaks English

    Meet Brett Spiering

    Brett graduated from the University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Podiatry in 2019. Since graduating, Brett has been working as a Podiatrist on the Central coast and Port Stephens regions. He is a member of the Australian Podiatry Association (APodA), and the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA).

    Brett has experience dealing with Musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries, as well as general foot and nail care, Ingrown nail procedures, diabetes management and orthotic prescription.

    Brett is also finishing a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2023, whilst also competing his honours project, investigating the brain activity associated with balance. Brett is also assisting on a research project investigating brain activity with fine motor upper limb tasks.

    As part of Brett’s studies, has gained experience dealing with multitraumas, complex neurological conditions, paediatrics, musculoskeletal pain and sports injuries. Brett has special interests in musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries and paediatrics.

    Having played Cricket for both the University of Sydney and Newcastle, Brett understands the importance of staying active. Brett enjoys spending his spare time hiking, camping and surfing. This passion seamlessly intertwines with his professional commitment: empowering patients to maintain an active lifestyle they love.