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    Hero Nicotine Vaping

    Nicotine Vaping

    Are you eligible?

    Are you eligible?

    • Do you want to stop smoking?
    • Have you tried other methods to stop smoking – and failed because you are still smoking?

    If you have answered yes to these questions, then you are eligible and can register below for our information pack.


    Everything you need to know about Medical Cannabis Consultations

    What you need to know?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    What are the requirements?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    Do I need a referral to see Dr Iosif for liquid nicotine?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    How will vaping help me stop smoking?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    If Dr Iosif is unavailable am I able to see another GP at Myhealth Treetops?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    How much will it cost?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    How much will the liquid nicotine cost and is it included in the consultation fee?

    Dr Mircea Iosif is clinically approved to prescribe liquid Nicotine to eligible patients who wish to quit smoking or have quit, but don’t want to relapse.

    Get in touch


    Nicotine Vaping Patient Registration

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