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    Albert Yeap

    Albert Yeap

    Diabetes Educator


    Speaks English

    Meet Albert Yeap

    Mr Albert Yeap, consultant pharmacist and diabetes educator Myhealth Clinic The Glen. Originally practicing as a pharmacist in rural Murray Bridge and Barossa region in SA for 6 years, he moved to Victoria 6 years ago with the aim to be part of an allied care team, and service patients with diabetes and other chronic conditions. During his years as a diabetes educator, he did an internship in the Alfreds Hospital, Bakers IDI. Every three months, he goes up to Darwin to join the allied health team to look after this ever growing condition. He believes that diabetes is preventable if diagnosed early, with the aid of dietary and lifestyle modifications. The team in Myhealth The Glen can help you and is working hard to reach out onto the local communities, and please share the word of mouth as prevention is always better than a cure.